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      Steps to becoming licensed
                  with FACCT: 

1 -Become a member of FACCT:
The first step is to apply for
membership.  Click here to download the membership application.  Print out the form, complete, sign, and mail in with the appropriate fee to Membership Chair, Rev. Kevin M. Drinka (address on form). 

2 -Requirements for license: Become a member (see Step 1).  Degrees and training appropriate for the license desired and 30 credit hours of Bible classes or equivalent for all FACCT licenses.  All applicants must be an Ordained Minister or have a Licensed Minister of Counseling certificate.  Continued active membership in FACCT is also required.

3 - Pre-Application:
Once you have received your membership certificate, you may submit a pre-application for licensure or certification.  This will allow the Licensure Board to look over your credentials and advise you about licensing with FACCT. Download thePre-Application form,complete and mail in with $35.00 (non-refundable pre-application fee) to the Licensure Board (address on form).

4 -Applying for license: 
After consulting with the Licensure Board, you will need to complete the 28-page full application for the license or certification you are seeking (full application can be obtained from Administrator Kevin M. Drinka).  Submit full application to the Licensure Board (address on form).

Please Note:  License fees will vary depending upon the specific license or certification that is being requested.  No monies are collected until final approval for the license or certification has been granted by the Licensure Board.

                   The Federal Association of Christian

                Counselors & Therapists, Inc. (FACCT)

is a non-profit organization of Christian professionals and informed laymen who are concerned with developing and applying Biblically-based models of counseling and therapy that are supported by sound psychological concepts. 

FACCT is a national organization as well as an international organization!

FACCT now has membership representation in 22 U.S. States,
as well as Canada, Costa Rica, India, the Phillipines, and West Africa!

You can be recognized as Certified or Licensed
                              through FACCT and help to:

  ► Bring the Bible back into counseling those you minster to.

  ► Maintain the Church’s right to meet the psychological

       and emotional needs of its members and of society.

  ► Regain the respect and re-establish the credibility of   
      Christian counseling within our communities and
      respective states.

  ► Blaze the way for Christians to be recognized as
      qualified and competent to counsel without secular

  ► Band together and stand united in a field hostile to
      Christian rights and values.

  ► Benefit from the years of collective experience and
      wisdom of your Christian colleagues.

  ► Contribute to, support, and shape the future of
      Christian counseling.

         Won’t you choose to be counted with us?  
Join FACCT today! 

Help your clients be assured of 100% confidentiality. Join FACCT today!

Our office is open Tuesday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.